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Laboratory for Marine Chemicobiology
Dr Chih-Chuang Liaw's Lab

at Department of Marine Biotechnology and Resources, National Sun Yat-sen University

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Lecture Handout


General Biology 2018

     General Biology is an basic subject for life science, and is also a compulsory subject in Department of Marine Biotechnology and Resources. In the class, five parts will be introduced for the fresh men in the department, including the Chemistry in Biology, Cell and Genetic inheritance, Phytology, Zoology, and Evolution.

TextBook: Campbell Biology, A Global Approach 11e (2016), Pearson Publisher


Lecture 1

Biology and Its Theme

2018, 1029 upload

Lecture 2

Atoms and Molecules

2018, 1029 upload

Lecture 3

The Chemistry of Water

2018, 1029 upload

Lecture 4

Carbon: the Basis of Molecular Diversity

2018, 1029 upload

Lecture 5

Biological Macromolecules and Lipids

2018, 1029 upload

Lecture 6

Energy and Life

2018, 1029 upload

Lecture 7

Cell structure and function

2020, 1025 upload

Lecture 8



2020, 1025 upload

Lecture 7

Cellular signaling

2018, 1029 upload

Lecture 8

Cell Respiration

2018, 1029 upload

Lecture 9

Photosynthetic Processes

2018, 1029 upload

Lecture 9


2018, 1029 upload 



Lecture 11

Sexual life Cycles and Meiosis

2018, 1029 upload



Introduction to Traditional Medicine from the Sea (2011)

      Marine drugs is one important part of natural medicinal products. Abundant diversity of marine organisms is the treasure resources of novel natural products. In the class, I will introduce the basic knowledge on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, further development and combination with modern medicine.

      TextBook: 中藥學概論, 張永勳、何玉玲、黃世勳, 文興出版 (2008); 功能海洋生物分子, 譚仁祥等編著, 科學出版社 (2006).


Lecture 1

Introduction to TCM

2023, 0318 upload

Lecture 2

Theoretical Principle of TCM

2023, 0318 upload

Lectures 3&4

Functions of TCM

Manufacture and Chemistry of TCM

2023, 0318 upload

Lecture 5

Pharmacology of TCM



2023, 00524 upload

Lecture 6

Pharmacology of TCM



2023, 0524 upload

Lecture 7

Marine Algae in TCM

2024, 0601 upload

Lecture 8

Marine Animal in TCM

2024, 0601 upload

Lecture 9



2012, 0619 upload

Lecture 10

Natural Products and Life

2012, 0619 upload



Note for Seminar in DMBR/NSYSU

    How to make a presentation



Natural Products Chemistry

      In contrary to primary metabolites, secondary metabolites, also named as natural products, are those chemical compounds of metabolism that are not essential for normal growth, development or reproduction of an organism. These secondary metabolites exactly play an important role in life. The function or importance of these metabolites to the organism's development in ecological nature is well-established to be defense against predators, for interspecies competition, and to facilitate the reproductive processes. Secondary metabolites also present multifunctions in the bodies of life organism, such as the signal transmitter. The absence, deficiency or excessive amount of these secondary metabolites would make our organs dysfunctions. For example, Alzheimer disease is relative to the absence of dopamine.

      Plant secondary metabolites are of tremendous importance, both for the plant itself (for plant-environment interactions) and for humans due to their biological activities that can have therapeutic value. As we know, plants have a long history of use in the treatment of human disease. One of the famous examples is traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the quintessence of herb material medics that Chinese people have been used for centuries. Now, the botanical extracts of TCM have been regarded as a source of new and useful pharmaceutical. Many bioactive components have been identified from these herb materials under the effort of natural product chemists. They are also regarded as a target for synthetic organic chemists that can produce these molecules in vitro on larger scales.


     The class should be taken by the students who has learned gerenal chemistry, organic chemistry, and biochemistry. In the class, I will introduce the chemical and pharmaceutical properties of the bioactive components from natural sources. Based on the learning, students will understand what natural products chemistry is, and how to apply bioactive natural products in pharmaceutical and cosmeceutical industries.


      BooksMedicinal Natural Products A Biosynthetic Approach 3rd Edition, by Paul M Dewick, John Wiley & Sons Ltd (2009).


      Handout for undergraduate students

Lecture 1

Introduction to Natural Products Chemistry

2010, 1011 upload

Lecture 2

Biosynthesis Pathway

2010, 1011 upload

Lectures 3&4

Acetate Pathway

2010, 1011 upload

Lecture 5

The Shikimate Pathway

2010, 1102 renew

Lecture 6

The Mevalonate Pathway Terpenoids

2010, 1102 renew

Lecture 7

The Mevalonate Pathway Steroids

2010, 1213 upload


Lecture 8

Alkaloids Part I

2010, 1213 upload

Lecture 9

Alkaloids Part II

2011, 0110 upload


          Appendix of the Lecture

    Vitamins: P, E, K, A, D, Bs, and C

    Antibiotics: macrolides, tetracyclins, anthracyclines, Chloramphenicol....


     BooksNatural product Chemistry 2nd Version by Kurt B. G. Torssell
Apotekarsocieteten-Swedish Pharmaceutical Society, Swedish Pharmaceutical Press (1997).


      Handout for graduate students

Lecture 1

Lecture 2

Lecture 3



Lecture 4

Lecture 5

Lecture 6



Lecture 7

Lecture 8

Lecture 9



     Pharmacognosy is derived from Greek prefix “Pharmakon” and “gnosis”, which means the knowledge about the medicinal materials. The American Society of Pharmacognosy defines pharmacognosy as "the study of the physical, chemical, biochemical and biological properties of drugs, drug substances or potential drugs or drug substances of natural origin as well as the search for new drugs from natural sources." Since the beginning of the 20th century, "pharmacognosy" was used to define the branch of medicine sciences to deal with drugs in their crude, or unprepared, form. Till now, pharmacognosy becomes an interdisciplinary course, including botany, ethnobotany, marine biology, microbiology, herbal medicine, chemistry (phytochemistry), pharmacology and pharmacy practice. More importantly, during the period of time, many chemists and biochemists devoted themselves to the identification of principles of the medicinal materials, which were used to treat human diseases. These studies of chemicals derived from plants, micro-organisms, and even animals discover many new drug candidates derived from natural sources. More than one half of the drugs used in modern medicine are of botanical or natural origin. However, only about 10% of the plants and only 1% of the marine organisms have been properly studied. Therefore, natural products in pharmacognosy can enrich the drug therapy compendia with new safe and effective drugs.

       BooksPharmacognosy and Pharmacobiotechnology by James E. Robbers, Marilyn K. Speedie, Varro E. Tyler, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publisher (January 1996)


Lecture 1

Introduction to Pharmacognosy

2024, 0227 upload

Lecture 2


2010, 0310 renew

Lecture 3

Complex Polysaccharides

2024, 0227 renew

Lecture 4

Glycosides P1 Glycosides P2 Glycosides P3

2024, 0311 renew

2024, 0318 renew

Lecture 5


2024, 0325 renew

Lecture 6



2024, 0415 renew

2024, 0515 renew

Lecture 7


2024, 0515 renew

Lecture 8


2024, 0601 renew

Lecture 9

Alkaloids PI

Alkaloids PII

2020, 0425 renew

Lecture 10

Alkaloids PIII

Alkaloids IV

2020, 0425 renew

Lecture 11

Antibiotics PI 

2023, 0508 renew

Lecture 12

Antibiotics PII

2023, 0508 renew

Lecture 13

Antibiotics PIII

2023, 0508 renew

Lecture 14

Antibiotics PIV 

2023, 0508 renew

Lecture 15

Antibiotics PV

2023, 0508 renew



Lecture 16

Antibiotics PVI

2023, 0508 renew



Supporting Information


Supporting info

sugar substitutes

2010, 0323 upload

Lecture 8

Antitumor Natural Drugs





Nuclear Magnetic Resonances



Mass is one of the sensitive tools in the modern chemical analysis. It is applied in the fields of food/drug safety, drug discovery and biological chemistry. Students in the fields of chemistry and life sciences should be have full knowloges about the development and application of Mass technology, which will help them to do a good job on the fields mentioned above.


      BooksSpectrometric identification of organic compounds by Robert M. Silverstein, Francis X. Webster (2005).





2024, 0314 renew

Mass exercises

2024, 0321





      BooksBiochemistry,  Mathews, Christopher K./ Van Holde, K. E./ Appling, Dean R./ Anthony-cahill, Spencer J., Pearson Publisher(2012).





Introduction to Marine Resources

      BooksDiscovery and Application of Functional Marine Molecules, 1st edition by R. X. Tan, (science express, Peijing, 2007).




2013, 1115

D&A of Functional Marine Molecules

2013,1204 upload




Introduction to Marine Chemcial Biology (2011)


      Textbook: Essentials of Chemical Biology- Structure and Dynamics of Biological Macromolecules, by Andrew Miller, John Wiley & Sons Ltd (2008)


Lecture 1

Introduction to Chemical Biology

2011, 0314 upload

Lecture 2

Marine and Chemical Biology

2011, 0314 upload

Lectures 3&4

The Structures of Biological Macromolecules and Lipid Assemblies

Part IPart II

2011, 0314 upload

2011, 0411 upload

Lecture 5

Chemical and Biological Synthesis

Part I, Part II

2011, 0411 upload

2011, 0603 upload

Lecture 6

Electronic Spectroscopy

2011, 0603 upload

Lecture 7

Resonance Spectroscopy

2011, 0621 upload






Marine Natural Products (2011)


      Textbook: Natural Product Chemistry, by Kurt B. G. Torssell, Swedish Pharmaceutical Press (1997)



Lecture 1

Introduction to Natural Products Chemistry


Lecture 2

Reseach Methology on Natural Products Chemistry

2011, 0314 upload

Lectures 3&4

Amino acids, Peptides and Alkaloids

2011, 0411 upload



Lecture 5


2011, 0603 upload

Lecture 6

Lecture 7






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