- Name
- Sho IWAMOTO (岩本 祥)
- Affiliation
- Assistant professor, Department of Physics, National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU)
- Ph.D. in Science (U. Tokyo, 2013)
- Internet
- Instagram, GitHub, Private website.
- Contacts
- ( iwamoto@g-mail.nsysu.edu.twGnuPG key)
- NSYSU Science bldg. SC2006‒1
Office Hours
- 2024‒2 semester: Mondays 15:30–17:30, Wednesdays 12:30–14:30, Science bldg. SC2006‒1.
I welcome your visit, even not during the office hours.
Office hours are flexible until February 16th, 2025. I welcome your visit during the vacation, but please make an appointment in advance!
2024‒2 Lecture : General Physics 2
An introductory course to electromagnetism. The goal is Maxwell’s equations (in integral form) and the nature of light.
- English, Undergraduate first-year level. Primarily for MOES (材光) and DOP (光電) students.
- NSYSU Course Selection System
- Lecture page
2024‒2 Lecture : Mathematics and Coding on Physics 2
An intermediate-level mathematics course designed for physics learners. Linear algebra, Fourier analysis, special functions, and methods of numerical analysis.
- English, Undergraduate second-year level.
- NSYSU Course Selection System
- Lecture page
2024‒1 Lecture : General Physics 1
An introductory course to University Physics. Students are expected to comprehend fundamental concepts in physics but also learn how to study physical science in university individually based on English textbooks.
- English, Undergraduate first-year level. Primarily for MOES (材光) and DOP (光電) students.
- NSYSU Course Selection System
- Lecture page
I will be in charge of General Physics 2 for MOES/DOP students in 2024‒2 semester, which assumes, in principle, students have attended this lecture.
Sho Iwamoto is a researcher in theoretical particle physics (high-energy physics), cosmology, and astroparticle physics. His main interest is in “particle-physics models beyond the Standard Model” and their phenomenology of such models at collider experiments and astrophysical observations.
In 2012, our civilization has completed the establishment of the Standard Model of particle physics by discovering the Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider. It was built by many theoretical physicists and checked by various experimental collaborations. Its validity is almost certain, because almost all phenomena observed at various experiments, including collider experiments, cosmic-ray observations, and astronomical surveys, support the Standard Model.
Only a few mysteries remain in particle physics, which however are very serious. The most big mystery is the existence of dark matter and dark energy. Namely, the Standard Model can explain only 5% of the total energy in the Universe. 26% of the energy is expected to exist as materials (i.e., in a form of unknown objects), which we call dark matter, and the remaining 69% is totally unknown (something with negative density???) and just called dark energy. This cosmological mystery might be solved by particle physics model beyond the Standard Model.
Another cosmological mystery is the non-existence of antiparticles. The Standard Model predicts the Universe should have particles and antiparticles in equal amount, and then, no galaxies, no stars, and no life should be formed. This is in contradiction, which means the Universe must have some mechanism beyond the Standard Model to break the equality (“baryogenesis mechanism”). In addition, experiments have observed a few phenomena that the Standard Model cannot explain. Namely, the non-zero neutrino masses, the muon g−2 anomaly, and the strong CP problem.
Sho’s interest is to explain these mysteries (or, at least, some of them) by particle-physics models beyond the Standard Model. In particular, dark matter, baryogenesis, neutrino mass, and the muon g−2 anomaly are his primary research topics. He is an expert in supersymmetric (SUSY) theories and collider physics, and is one of the worldwide leaders in phenomenology of non-colored SUSY-particle searches at the LHC. He is highly skilled in programming, numerical calculation, statistics, and mathematics.
For his activity as a researcher, see Research section in his personal website.
Random keywords
- hep-ph … high-energy physics, particle physics, cosmology, astroparticle physics
- physics beyond the Standard Model … neutrino mass, grand unification theory, supersymmetry (SUSY), muon g−2 anomaly, flavor physics
- collider experiments … Large Hadron Collider (LHC), Super-B factory, future colliders (ILC, CepC/SppC, FCC, …)
- light-particles beyond the Standard Model … beam-dump experiments, International Linear Collider (ILC)
- cosmology … thermal history of the Universe, baryogenesis, dark matter
- dark matter … direct detection of dark matter at underground experiments, indirect detection of dark matter at cosmic-ray observations
Recent topics on my research
Curriculum Vitae
Full CV is available in PDF format.
- 2001–2004
- Saiki Kakujyo High School (Saiki-city, Oita, Japan)
- 2004–2006
- College of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo
- 2006–2008
- Department of Physics, the University of Tokyo (B.S. in physics & the Bioinformatics Education Program)
- 2008–2010
- Department of Physics, the University of Tokyo (High-energy physics theory group, M.S. in Physics)
- 2010–2013
- Department of Physics, the University of Tokyo (High-energy physics theory group, Ph.D. in Science)
- 2010–2013
- JSPS doctoral-course fellow at the University of Tokyo
- 2013–2014
- JSPS postdoctoral fellow at Kavli IPMU, the University of Tokyo
- 2014–2017
- Postdoctoral Fellow at Technion—Israel Institute of Technology
- 2017–2019
- Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Padua
- 2019–2023
- Postdoctoral Researcher at ELTE Eötvös Loránd University
- 2023 Feb.–
- Assistant Professor at National Sun Yat-sen University
- 2010 Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Research Fellows (2.10M JPY in total, 3 years)
- 2013 Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Research Fellows (2.76M JPY in total, 3 years, midway declined)
- 2016 The Lady Davis Fellowship (15.6k USD, 1 year)
- 2023 Research Project Grant for Newly-recruited Personnel NSTC 112‒2112–M–110‒010 (2.5M TWD in total, 27 months)
Past Lectures
General Physics for first-year undergraduates
General Physics 1 discusses classical mechanics as an introduction to university lectures. General Physics 2 discusses basic electromagnetism (and a bit more).
Mathematics and Coding for Physics sophomores
An intermediate-level mathematics course designed for physics learners. Linear algebra, Fourier analysis, special functions, and methods of numerical analysis.
- Lecture page
- AY2023, second semester.
FeynLecture: Tools for BSM Physics (Graduate program)
A tutorial course on tools for particle physics: analytic calculation of transition amplitudes (Feynman diagrams) and Monte Carlo simulation of particle-physics models beyond the Standard Model. This course was given at Osaka University (Feb. 2012) and at Yonsei University (Oct. 2016).