Sho Iwamoto / 岩本 祥

@ 國立中山大學物理系 NSYSU–Physics

General Physics 1

This lecture in AY2024 has been completed in January 2025.


To New Students

  • Review and preview derivatives and vectors.
    • Do Derivative Boot Camp during the summer vacation. We have a mini test on the second week.
    • Try Vector Boot Camp. Most of the contents will be discussed during the lectures, so no need to do all by your own, but it is nice if you can start earlier than others.
    • I will accept any questions (and welcome your visit anytime, even before the semester). You can find me on Instagram.
    With these reviews, your university life will be easier, more enjoyable, and more satisfactory. Otherwise, you will forget all high-school math and physics during the summer vacation!! And then, you will have to work harder than others after the entrance!
  • Take 微積分預備課程 of 大學數理預備課程試辦計畫 during summer holiday.This suggestion is retracted because it is no longer free.

To Students who want to take my General Physics 2

  • Students who want to take General Physics 2 by Sho Iwamoto (in 2024‒2 semester) should take this course.


An introductory course to University Physics. Students are expected to comprehend fundamental concepts in physics but also learn how to study physical science in university individually based on English textbooks.

You think about yourself and how you can learn physics efficiently so that you make your NSYSU life more enjoyable and satisfactory. Throughout this semester, you try to build your way of learning, where you need to learn proactively by utilizing lectures and books given in English.

This lecture’s second goal is to learn fundamental concepts in physics, such as energy and force. Toward the goal, you begin with basic calculus and vector arithmetic: you learn differentials, essential integrals, and calculations with vectors. Using those tools, you analyze three-dimensional motions of particles and oscillatory motions and waves.

The tools and concepts you learn are further utilized in future lectures, such as General Physics 2, electromagnetism, and electronics.

Guidance document


Serway & Jewett, Physics for Scientists and Engineers (with Modern Physics), 10th ed. Cengage Learning.

  • Chapters 1–17 (Volume 1) in this semester. Chapters 22–33 (Volume 2) will be covered in the next semester..
  • You will use the book in in-class activities.
  • Sho strongly recommends you to bring the physical book (printed version) to the lecture.

Students’ Goals

  • I know how to study at the university. I have “my way of learning” customized for my personality and cognitive characteristics.
  • I know how to study efficiently, proactively, and individually based on English textbooks.
  • I can perfectly handle quantities with physical units without confusing vectors and scalars.
  • I am familiar with differentials, integrals, and vector arithmetic, and can use them to analyze three-dimensional motions.
  • I can explain “energy”, “work”, “potential”, “momentum”, and relations among them.
  • I can express waves by trigonometric functions and analyze them using calculus techniques.

Schedule (2024‒1)

150 min lecture for 18 weeks.

1 (Sep. 11)
Units. Significant figures. (+ How to Learn)
2 (Sep. 18)
Basic Math. Derivatives. 1D-Motion. (+ How to Read a Textbook)
3 (Sep. 25)
Integrals. Vectors. (+ How to Attend Lectures)
4 (Oct. 2)
5 (Oct. 9)
Force. Newton's Laws. Frictions.
6 (Oct. 16)
Circular Motion. Frame. Fictitious Force.
7 (Oct. 23)
Series Expansion. Differential Equations. Uncertainty.
8 (Oct. 30)
Midterm Exam
9 (Nov. 6)
Work and Energy. Conservative Force. (+ Exam Review)
10 (Nov. 13)
Energy Conservation. Power.
11 (Nov. 20)
Momentum. Impulse. Elastic Collision. Center of Mass.
12 (Nov. 27)
Oscillatory Motion. Waves.
13 (Dec. 4)
Waves and their Superpositions.
14 (Dec. 11)
Angular Velocity and Angular Acceleration. Torque.
15 (Dec. 18)
Angular Momentum. Rigid Objects.
16 (Dec. 25)
Term Exam
17 (Jan. 1)
National Holiday (no class)
18 (Jan. 8)
Gravity. (+ Exam Review)

Past Exam Problems

Other Information