This page updated on 2019/9/25
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Ph. D. Students’ Dissertations
No. |
Year |
Graduated Student |
Title |
E. files |
7 |
2017, 6 |
曾筱君 Hsiao-Chun Tseng |
and nitrous oxide in natural waters/metano y óxido nitroso en aguas naturales (「Erasmus Mundus」學程之「海洋與海岸管理」博士,與T. Angel DelValls 教授 (University of Cadiz, 西班牙)、Alberto V. Borges教授 (University of Liege, 比利時)共同指導) |
6 |
2016, 7 |
黃婷萱 Ting-Hsuan |
從河川到海洋碳系統控制因子探討:以熱帶河川、中大西洋陸棚、東南台灣海峽為例 Controlling
factors of carbon system from freshwater to seawater: case studies in
tropical rivers, Middle Atlantic Bight, and |
page updated on 2019/1/9) (SCI) 1. Chen, C.T.A.*, S. Jan , T.H. Huang , Y.H. Tseng; Spring of no
Kuroshio intrusion in the southern Journal of
Geophysical Research, 115, C08011, doi: 10.1029/2009JC005804, 2010. (Cited 15 times
until ( (SCI) 2. Chen, C.T.A. *, T.H. Huang, Y.H. Fu, Y. Bai, and X.Q.
He; Strong sources
of CO Current Opinion
in Environmental Sustainability, 4, 179-185,
doi:10.1016/j.cosust.2012.02.003, 2012. (Cited 33 times
until (SCI) 3. Huang, T.H., Y.H. Fu, P.Y. Pan and C.T. A. Chen*; Fluvial carbon
fluxes in tropical rivers; Current Opinion
in Environmental Sustainability, 4, 162–169,
doi:10.1016/j.cosust.2012.02.004, 2012. (Cited 16 times
until ( (SCI) 4. Chen, C.T.A.*, T.H. Huang,
Y.C. Chen, Y. Bai, X. He, and Y. Kang; Air–sea
exchanges of CO Biogeosciences,
10, 6509-6544, doi:10.5194/bg-10-6509-2013, 2013. (Cited 37 times until ( (SCI) 5. Yang, L.Y., H.S. Hong, C.T.A.
Chen*, W.D. Guo, T.H. Huang; Chromophoric
dissolved organic matter in the estuaries of populated and mountainous Marine
Chemistry, 157, 12-23, doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2013.07.002, 2013. (Cited 11 times until (
(SCI) 6. Bai, Y.*, T.H.
Huang, X.Q. He, S.L. Wang, Y.C. Hsin, C.R. Wu, W.D. Zhai, H.K. Lui, Intrusion of
the Pearl River plume into the main channel of the (Cited 3 times
until ( ( (SCI) 7. Pan, Y.W., W. Fan, T.H. Huang, S.L. Wang, C.T.A. Chen*; Evaluation of
the sinks and sources of atmospheric CO2 by artificial upwelling; Science of The
Total Environment, 511, 692–702, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.11.060, (Cited 3 times
until ( (SCI) 8. Huang, T.H., C.T.A. Chen*, W.Z. Zhang, X.F. Zhuang; Varying
intensity of Kuroshio intrusion into Continental
Shelf Research, 103, 79–87, doi:10.1016/j.csr.2015.04.021, 2015. (Cited 2 times
until (
) (SCI) 9. Chen, C.T.A.*, Y.T. Yeh, Y.C. Chen, T.H. Huang; Seasonal and
ENSO-related interannual variability of subsurface fronts separating West
Philippine Sea waters from South China Sea waters near the Deep-Sea
Research I, 103, 13–23, doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2015.05.002, 2015. (Cited once
until (
) (SCI) 10. Zhang, W.Z.*, X.F. Zhuang,
C.T.A. Chen and T.H. Huang; The impact of
Kuroshio water on the source water of the southeastern Acta Oceanologica Sinica,
34(9), 23-34, doi: 10.1007/s13131-015-0720-x, 2015. (Cited once until (
) (SCI) 11. Chen, C.T.A.*, Y.T. Yeh, T. Yanagi,
Y. Bai, X. He, and T.H. Huang; The tug-of-war
between the Journal of
Geophysical Research, 121(3), 1736–1754, doi:10.1002/2015JC011274,2016. (This paper
acknowledged MOST 101-2611-M-110- 010-MY3, 102-2611-M-110-003, and
103-2611-M-110-010, as did the Aim for the Top University Program ( (
) (SCI) 12. Huang, T.H. , C.T.A. Chen*, H.C. Tseng, J.Y. Lou, S.L. Wang, L.
Yang, S. Kandasamy, X.L. Gao, (SCI) 13. Huang, T.H., Z.X. Lun, Z., C.R. Wu and Chen, C.T.A.*; Interannual Carbon and Nutrient Fluxes in Southeastern
Taiwan Strait Sustainability, 10(2), 372 Published on: 31 January 2018 doi:10.3390/su10020372 This paper acknowledged MOST 106-2611-M-110-016 and
(SCI) 14. Wang, S.L., C.T.A. Chen*, T.H. Huang, H.C. Tseng, H.K. Lui,
T.R. Peng, S. Kandasamy,
Submarine Groundwater Discharge helps making nearshore waters
Scientific Reports, 8, 11650
Published on: 03 August 2018
doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-30056-x
This paper acknowledged the Aim for the Top University Program of the
Ministry of Education
(SCI) 15. Huang, T.H., C.T.A. Chen*, J. Lee, C.R. Wu, Y.L. Wang, Y. Bai,
X.Q. He, S.L. Wang,
East China Sea increasingly gains limiting nutrient P from South China
Scientific Reports, 9, 5648
Published on: 04 April 2019
This paper acknowledged the Ministry of Science and Technology MOST
5 |
2013, 6 |
雷漢杰 Hon-Kit Lui |
人為與氣候驅動的海水酸化:觀測與模擬 (Anthropogenic
and Climate Driven Ocean Acidification: Observations and Modeling) |
4. |
2003, 7 |
周文臣 Wen-Chen (與許德惇教授共同指導) |
南海時間序列測站海水之碳化學參數與碳-13之垂直分佈及其在混合層中的季節變化 (Seasonal Variability of CO2
Species and d13CTCO2
in the Mixed-layer and Their Vertical Distributions at the SEATS Site) |
3. |
2000, 1 |
萬政康 Zheng-Kang |
季節性缺氧大鬼湖之地球化學與古氣候研究 |
2. |
1997, 6 |
王樹倫 Shu-luen |
西北太平洋邊緣海二氧化碳之研究 |
1. |
1996, 6 |
羅建育 Jiann-Yuh |
臺灣高山湖泊沉積物之元素分佈與古氣候 |
This page updated on 2019/4/27
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Master Graduated Students’ Thesis
No. |
口試 |
Graduated Student |
Title |
E. files |
41 |
2019- |
吳季諼 |
台灣東南部21.75°N斷面黑潮水、無機碳及營養鹽通量之時空變化 |
40 |
2014- 02-13 |
謝佳翰 Chia-Han Hsieh |
日本海1965-2011年間海水酸化之探討 (Acidification in the Sea of Japan between
1965 and 2011) |
39 |
2013- 06-03 |
林熙翔 Hsi-Hsiang Lin (與洪慶章老師共同指導) |
南海北部顆粒性有機碳之側向通量 (Lateral Fluxes of Particulate Organic
Carbon in the Northern South China Sea) |
38 |
2013- 05-24 |
葉雅婷 Ya-Ting Yeh |
呂宋海峽至沖繩海槽之熱帶水團與中層水團時空變化 (Temporal and spatial variations of
tropical and intermediate waters from the Luzon Strait to the Okinawa Trough) |
37 |
2012- |
陳妍君 Yen-Chun Chen |
南海及西菲律賓海水團鋒面在不同時空下之消長 (Temporal and spatial variations of the
front between South China Sea and West Philippine Sea waters) |
36. |
2012- |
馮俊欽 Chun-Chin (與張詠斌老師共同指導) |
(MD052922C) |
35. |
2012- |
潘佩宜 Pei-Yi PAN |
台灣海峽及台灣河川中溶解態有機碳的分布與變化 |
34. |
2012- |
傅昱涵 Yu-Han FU |
熱帶與副熱帶河口二氧化碳通量及其機制-以台灣為例 |
33. |
2010- |
張裕彰 |
台灣島上及週遭水域之CH4分佈 |
32. |
2009-07-30 |
黃婷萱 Ting-Hsuan Huang |
台灣海峽及南海北部二氧化碳變化 |
31. |
2008-07-25 |
雷漢杰 Hon-kit Lui |
數學模式推論下河口限制性營養鹽轉變 |
30. |
2008- |
陸榮吉 Lon-je Luh (與沈雅敬教授共同指導) |
研究與海洋verticillenes相關之紅豆杉雙萜類成份並比較其化學結構 |
29. |
2007, 9 |
陳亭伃 Ting-yu
Chen |
聖嬰年間長江沖淡水在台灣海峽之消長及台灣週遭水域之N2O分佈研究 |
28. |
2007, 9 |
林毅杰 Yi-jie Lin |
台灣地區地下水入海之化學性質初探 |
27. |
2005, 7 |
曾筱君 Hsiao-Chun Tseng |
台灣週遭水域CH4和N2O的分佈 |
26. |
2004, 8 |
侯偉萍 Wei-Ping |
南海周遭海域二氧化碳變化之研究 |
25. |
2004, 8 |
邢麗玉 Hsing-Li |
台灣海峽溶解有機氮、磷及營養鹽消耗程度分佈情形 |
24. |
2001, 7 |
郭富雯 Fu-Wen |
23. |
2001, 7 |
劉青琳 Ching-Lin |
南海與台灣海峽溶解態與顆粒態有機碳、氮、磷之分佈 |
22. |
1999, 2 |
藍信企 Hsin-Chi |
內蒙古鹽海子過去一萬五千年來的古氣候記錄 |
21. |
1998, 8 |
徐翊 Yi Xu |
柴達木盆地83萬年來的古氣候記錄 |
20. |
1994, 7 |
張雷風 |
西太平洋邊緣海表水懸浮顆粒有機質之元素分析 |
19. |
1993, 5 |
黃明祥 |
呂宋海峽兩側之水團交換及其碳酸鹽現況 |
18. |
1992, 7 |
王綺華 Qi-Hua |
台灣東南外海黑潮之流速結構與溶氧、營養鹽及碳酸鹽之輸送 |
17. |
1992, 7 |
黃炳達 |
台灣地區湖泊水庫懸浮顆粒有機質之碳、氫、氧、氮、硫元素計量分析 |
16. |
1992, 6 |
林志明 |
龍鑾潭與小鬼湖沉積物之地球化學初探 |
15 |
1991, 7 |
顧孔春 |
南海 SCS-15A 岩心中浮游性有孔蟲化石鎘含量之探討 |
14. |
1991, 7 |
張宏杰 Hueng-Jie (與白書禎教授共同指導) |
利用 Chelex-100 鉗合樹脂預濃縮並以石墨爐原子吸收光譜法測定自然水體中之釩 |
13. |
1990, 6 |
陳佳奇 |
墾丁國家公園內南仁湖的地球化學 |
12. |
1990, 5 |
吳朝榮 |
紅海及鄰近水域的碳化學研究 |
11. |
1990, 1 |
常 正 (與許德惇教授共同指導) |
台灣東緣外海花蓮至恆春半島間海岸沉積物之地球化學初探 |
10. |
1989, 12 |
羅立 |
台灣東北角海域之描述性海洋化學 |
9. |
1989, 5 |
徐慧倩 |
線性自由能關係及其在天然淡水中之應用 |
8. |
1989, 5 |
彭宗仁 (與汪中和教授共同指導) |
苗栗白沙屯過港貝化石層內軟體動物化石之碳氧同位素研究 |
7. |
1989, 5 |
何麗如 (與汪中和教授共同指導) |
北港地區地下水之地球化學初探 |
6. |
1989, 5 |
王冰潔 |
大鬼湖無氧層的成因及其生物地球化學作用 |
5. |
1988, 6 |
鄭光龍 |
海水與珊瑚骨骼中重金屬之濃度與測定之研究 |
4. |
1988, 6 |
陳佩芬 |
台灣地區天然水之物理化學性質:密度與導電度 |
3. |
1988, 6 |
翁坤詩 |
墾丁國家公園生態保護區內南仁山區水域之酸化程度 |
2. |
1988, 5 |
陳達偉 |
印度洋之二氧化碳問題及深水氧消耗速率 |
1. |
1988, 5 |
王樹倫 |
台灣臨近海域溶解性碳酸鹽之研究 |
This page updated on 2019/09/25
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